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What is the “Denodo Professional Free Trial,” and what does it offer?

What are the first steps after registering for the Denodo Professional free trial?

Who should I contact for support, if I experience issues or if I have questions during the free trial?

Are there any costs associated with running the free trial, and do I need to create an account on AWS, Azure, or GCP?

How long does the free trial last, and can it be extended?

What are the next steps after completing the free trial?

Can I run the free trial on an existing VM/EC2 instance? Is there a quick start guide available?

Does the free trial automatically convert into a paid subscription? If so, how is the usage billed?

What if I need additional enterprise features, such as an active data catalog, multiple servers, on-premises options, or version control?

Denodo Free Trial

30-days free trial on the cloud for you to fully test Denodo Professional


Denodo Express

The free way to data virtualization